Research - The spread of Coronavirus Data and its implication to Australia

Research - The spread of Coronavirus Data and its implication to Australia
In light of the fear of #coronavirusaustralia, Authenticwise has researched this health issue focusing on: (1) Evaluating the spread of this disease in Australia, (2) Outlining the implications to the Australian Community, and (3) Providing general recommendations to Australian households and businesses. The three main findings include:
1) The spread of coronavirus is rapid. Even with implementing extreme containment strategies, China was only able to contain the disease into a stabilisation phase within one month. During this month, the number of coronavirus cases increased by 283-fold from 272 to 78,000 cases.
2) Social distancing and personal hygiene are encouraged widely. Suspected cases have been aggressively tracked. Anyone with a potential infection has been quickly quarantined. However, these key measures used to contain the disease are not yet fully in place.
3) Both Australian households and businesses should take leadership roles to ensure that families, employees, and commu
Research - The spread of Coronavirus Dat
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